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Shame on you’ — Yomi Fabiyi under fire over the movie on Baba Ijesha saga

Yomi Fabiyi, Nigerian actor, has come under intense criticism on social media for putting out a movie on the sexual assault allegation involving Baba Ijesha, his embattled colleague.

Baba Ijesha is being tried on a six-count charge which includes sexual assault by penetration, indecent treatment of a child, and sexual assault.


The film star, who was accused of defiling a minor, was earlier granted bail with his trial scheduled to begin on July 26.

But on Sunday, Fabiyi, who has been a prominent figure in the case, put out the movie titled ‘Oko Iyabo’, wherein he detailed his own version of the “incidents that led to the arrest and trial of his embattled colleague.”

The project’s characters take on the names of others also involved in the case including Iyabo Ojo and Comedian Princess.

The movie was, however, met with an avalanche of backlashes on social media, especially Twitter, wherein users slammed Fabiyi for making a movie about a case that was still in court.

“The Audacity of Yomi Fabiyi !! The Audacity . Made a movie & titled it “oko Iyabo only for the movie to depict the alleged sexual abuse of princess daughter, the Audacity is him using their real names in the movie, what manner of madness is this ? I hope everyone flags it on YT,” a user wrote.

An underaged girl was allegedly raped in the past by a yoruba actor. There’s video proving further attempts by same man. Yomi Fabiyi makes movie mocking the child, her mom Princess and Iyabo Ojo the whistleblower. This a complete utter shame to the entire Yoruba movie industry,” another user wrote.

See tweets below:

Shame on Yomi Fabiyi!!!

—Amala X Gbegiri is Bae (@Miz_Fey) July 5, 2021

f any of your family members or faves were inside that Yomi Fabiyi movie, I hope you’ve gone to tell them how foolish they are as you’re reporting the video . A bunch of circus clowns and not one could receive sense at anytime trough the production of that rubbish. Shame

—Ebele (@ebelee_) July 5, 2021

lease simply go on YouTube and report the movie “Oko iyabo”. Yomi Fabiyi is an evil man. How do you produce a movie about an ongoing rape case and paint the 14 year old victim as a sugar baby. All to make money and shame the victim?? Nah it can’t be well with you. Report it!!

—YT: Life with Adabekee🌟 (@Adabekeeblog) July 5, 2021

While the saga is still going on and the case in already in court as the elder people in their TAMPAN abi na TIPER have said, Yomi Fabiyi went ahead to do a movie an titled it Oko iyabo

Oh, and he featured some elderly people in the industry as well


—Big Uncle 🇨🇦 🕊️ (@Usmanashafe) July 5, 2021

If you are looking for a reason to be thankful today, be thankful that you are in no way related to Yomi Fabiyi 🤮🤮.

—Chocolate Fountain 🍫 (@teemah_salau) July 5, 2021

So Yomi Fabiyi will get away with this too? And other people like him will be empowered?? No please, something must be done

—£AJ (@Lilianolaj_) July 5, 2021

Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize.
– Chimamanda Adichie

Yomi Fabiyi chose to malign. I hope we can rewrite the story to course-correct this malignity and restore dignity to a child.

—Sir Dickson (@Wizarab10) July 5, 2021

I’m sure I’ve reported that Yomi Fabiyi’s film like 20 times today. It will never be well with him wherever he is.

—Bella Hadidn’t. (@Sugaarrbaby) July 5, 2021

This is how Yomi Fabiyi twisted the story about the young girl that baba ijesha molested

If your Daddy or mummy or any of your relatives are featured in this movie, IT SHALL NOT BE WELL WITH THEM 😢

—Big Uncle 🇨🇦 🕊️ (@Usmanashafe) July 5, 2021

An underaged girl was allegedly raped in the past by a yoruba actor. There’s video proving further attempts by same man.

Yomi Fabiyi makes movie mocking the child, her mom Princess and Iyabo Ojo the whistleblower.

This a complete utter shame to the entire Yoruba movie industry.

—#OurFavOnlineDoc 🩺🇳🇬🇬🇧💎 (@DrOlufunmilayo) July 5, 2021

The Audacity of Yomi Fabiyi !! The Audacity .
Made a movie & titled it “oko Iyabo only for the movie to depict the alleged sexual abuse of princess daughter, the Audacity is him using their real names in the movie, what manner of madness is this ?
I hope everyone flags it on YT

—Isioma (@okonjithelma) July 4, 2021

He used Iyabo and Princess real names.
He made a movie twisting the story.
He got wellknown yoruba actors/actresses to minimise and trivialise the pain of a child sexually molested.

Yomi Fabiyi went low. This is too low.

Ireally hope TAMPAN or Tampon, will punish this madness.

—#OurFavOnlineDoc 🩺🇳🇬🇬🇧💎 (@DrOlufunmilayo) July 5, 2021

Some people have to be purged out of the Nollywood industry! What on earth is this? Is Yomi Fabiyi and everyone casted in this movie alright at all?

—Bhadoosky (@BhadmusAkeem) July 5, 2021

Yomi Fabiyi’s parents must have done something terrible in their past life.

No one deserves that level of ill luck…

—La Femme Anjola ✨ (@TheAnjolajesu) July 5, 2021

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