Scarlett Johansson’s launch to movie stardom was a close up to her butt cheeks in Sofia Coppola’s ‘Lost in Translation’.
Since then, hypersexualization and objectification has never stopped. Everywhere she goes, people see her as a snack more than the incredible actress she actually is. It took her many years to grow accustomed to that feeling and now she can openly discuss it.
Granted, Scarlett Johansson is undeniably beautiful but no actor comes into the business thinking they want to become a sex symbol. All they care about is landing a dream role where they can flex their acting muscles and share their artistic gift to the world. This happened in the past to both men and women, Brendan Fraser was also a victim of this when he first started in Hollywood.
Scarlett’s first experiences in Hollywood
This is what Johansson said viw Yahoo: “I kind of became objectified and pigeonholed in this way where I felt like I wasn’t getting offers for work for things that I wanted to do. I remember thinking to myself, ‘I think people think I’m 40 years old.’ It somehow stopped being something that was desirable and something that I was fighting against. I think everybody thought I was older and that I’d been [acting] for a long time, I got kind of pigeonholed into this weird hypersexualized thing.
I felt like [my career] was over. It was like: that’s the kind of career you have, these are the roles you’ve played. And I was like, ‘This is it?’ I see younger actors that are in their 20s, it feels like they’re allowed to be all these different things. It’s another time, too. We’re not even allowed to really pigeonhole other actors anymore, thankfully, right? People are much more dynamic.”
The #Metoo movement has done wonders to up-and-coming actors who are trying to avoid getting objectified or hypersexualized as Scarlett did. It has been a major game changer for their artistic aspirations. Fortunately, the world has already witnessed Johansson’s greatness on the big screen without considering her a sex object anymore.